Register as a member so that you can enjoy a full list of benefits below! What's more, it is completely free! The reason why we need you to register is so that we can know you more, and to keep track of the number of people who is currently a member. Not much information is needed. Just your full name, reason for joining, email address and where you live, then you are done! Register now!

- Full access to our archived articles.
- Full access to our frequently updated trail recommendation list.
-Full access to our list of recommended viewpoints (also frequently updating)
- Access to our 'More About Hiking' page.
-Share your thoughts and feelings by posting blogs!
- Record your hikes and see your statistics
- Join groups to get and share motivation and tips for each other!
- Post, comment or share discussions and answer questions in Forums!
- Join challenges for motivation
-Get notified for our company's new activities and features
- Participate in paid activities if we conduct them (usually annually)

What is needed
As said above, we only need the following personal information from you
- Your full name
- Where you live (KLN, HKI, N.T, Lantau, Outside HK)
- Email Address
- Reason for Joining

How to join?
On every page of our website, you can see on the top right corner, an 'account' symbol. Click on the symbol, then log in or register. After you finish and submit the form. You can wait for us to approve you to be our member. Once you are approved (usually about 24 hrs), you can enjoy the member content and benefits!
Happy Hiking!